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this page: linguistic philosophy / artificial languages / AI, speech recognition / encryption, steganography

linguistic philosophy

quicker-loading websites

More than once over the centuries, philosophers have got excited about languages, reckoning that if they could just get straight about how words work, they could sort out how ideas or the world works - more on this hopeful project at http://www.bu.edu/wwildman/WeirdWildWeb/ courses/wphil/lectures/wphil_theme21.htm not to mention http://lings.ln.man.ac.uk/Html/Haas/KAP9~1.HTM and the equally clearly listed site at http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html#l

slower-loading websites

Most philosophy websites are still fairly free of heavy graphics

artificial languages

quicker-loading websites

Meanwhile, if you're really bored, there's nothing like creating your own language from scratch for whiling away the long winter nights, though of course, as http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/cognitive-robotics/asrl.html and http://www.uib.no/People/hnohf/artlang.htm show - there are also idealistic reasons (such as preventing war) and baser, more cunning motives (a surprisingly good way to network round the world) - http://www.cix.co.uk/~morven/ling.html

http://www.lysator.liu.se/language/link/artificial.html plus more great lists at http://www.verbix.com/languages/ido.shtml

slower-loading websites

The usual geocities problems, but good information also at http://www.geocities.com/finis_stellae/ng/lng/how/index.html

AI, speech recognition

quicker-loading websites

Speech recognition is supposedly where all the smart money is now, though I suspect people will want not to have to dictate letters out loud to their PCs, and that therefore the real fortunes are nearer and further than voice recognition - nearer meaning smarter keyboards, and further meaning thought recognition (not as far behind voice recogniton as you might think) - but never mind me, these people believe in AI applied to voice: http://www.robotwisdom.com/ai/

http://www.iit.nrc.ca/ai_point.html plus http://www.ai.mit.edu/ as do these folk http://www.speechxp.com/commercial/speech.htm. plus http://www.synapseadaptive.com/ http://www.sensoryinc.com/ all perhaps a sad sign of how far AI has fallen short of its 1950s promise, or maybe just evidence that it is all finally picking up speed? http://www.w3.org/TR/speech-grammar/ http://www.dragonsys.com/

slower-loading websites

Some of you may find it useful to start taking notes at this point *2

encryption, steganography

quicker-loading websites

An ancient spur to the study of languages,
encryption is about encoding secret messages (sometimes a rare language at each end of the channel is enough), and steganography (or 'information hiding') is about concealing the fact that there is even a message, such as by disguising it as the embroidery round the hem of your dress - or as extra pixels stashed away in those pornographic photos the followers of bin Laden apparently exchange, purely in the cause of the Prophet of course: http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto.html is cryptography, as is http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~rivest/crypto-security.html and http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cryptography-faq/ http://www.cryptography.com/ http://www.cert.org/IHW2001/ while the devious steg stuff starts here, http://www.jjtc.com/stegdoc/index2.html
http://www.jjtc.com/Steganography/ especially recommended for privacy advocates who don't want nosy spooks even knowing where to look and try to decrypt... http://www.outguess.org/ http://www.stegoarchive.com/

slower-loading websites

screenplay about computer encryption and radical Islam

"No-one but Allah knows all the primes"

title: 'Only One God'

logline: A code-cracking teenage prodigy converts to Islam in Egypt.
Two black US government agents and the boy's white math teacher must bring him back.

synopsis: Retarded genius Olvarez has the key to any code in his head.

Agents Miller and Youngblood must persuade him out of a mosque in Egypt where he has become a Muslim mystic.
With them, Olvarez's old math teacher, Rudolf.

But is Rudolf for Washington, for the boy - or for Allah?

status: Currently with the nice man in LA

copyright: me

this page: linguistic philosophy / artificial languages / AI, speech recognition / encryption, steganography

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