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May 31st; Tuesday. More depressing but important news stories from the forced-vaccination putsch.
(i) A Spanish pharma director is prosecuted for faking his own vaccination /
(ii) A German pathologist suddenly stops doing autopsies of people dying soon after their mRNA-covid-19 vaccinations /
(iii) Over 40,000 English people died within 3 weeks of being vaccinated during the 13 months to February 2022 /
(iv) In Canada, death rates from covid-19 are highest in the triple-vaccinated /
(v) How covid-19 vaccines cause VAIDS & hepatitis /
(vi) Americans are starting to refuse covid-19 vaccines en masse /
(vii) Harsh profile of Elon Musk /
(viii) Longer, equally harsh bio of Elon Musk /
(ix) Mask mandates increased covid-19 deaths /
(x) Study finds children forced to wear masks inhale dangerous levels of CO2 /
(xi) Claim that the NIH developed monkeypox /
(xii) Is monkeypox the latest cover story for a global putsch? /
(xiii) This article thinks it is /
(xiv) More on this suspicion /
(xv) Another view that monkeypox is the replacement for covid-19 /
(xvi) Non-WHO medical group warns of false alarm around monkeypox.
May 30th; Monday. A Russian criminal boss with frightening eyes gives life advice. He gives a different list here with a few repeated points, and a quick mention for God.

May 29th; Sunday. Seems myocarditis incidence only correlates to covid-19 vaccination, not to catching covid-19 itself.
May 28th; Saturday. Life-insurance executives and statistical analysts reiterate their concerns over strangely soaring all-cause mortality since mass covid-19 vaccination began. Meanwhile, another interview with the former Pfizer executive expressing suspicion of government covid-19 policy since early 2020: Mike Yeadon.

May 27th; Friday. More about those US-funded biowarfare labs in Ukraine.
May 26th; Thursday. Wind power is failing.

May 25th; Wednesday. Fascinating short science film about water droplets skipping uphill: the Leidenfrost Effect.
May 24th; Tuesday. As the Ukraine war distraction winds down, the globalists return to their next medical putsch attempt: monkeypox.
a) Monkeypox simulation comes true - to the week as forecast ;
b) The NHS changes its monkeypox page to sound scarier ;
c) The NHS again ;
d) Miami newspaper reports monkeypox probably lab-made ;
e) More about the curiously prescient simulation.

May 23rd; Monday. A round-up of Cov-SARS-2 news.
Why so many middle-aged people died in 2021 ;
Some detail on the spike protein ;
Why the vaccines seem to harm people under 60 ;
How the mRNA vaccinations are affecting immune systems.
May 22nd; Sunday. Our Man in Bucharest continues mulling over whether Halifax was right. Could Britain have stayed out of World War 2?

May 21st; Saturday.
1) 18 major airlines are being sued for imposing covid-19 vaccinations on staff ;
2) Pilot blames heart attack on covid-19 vaccination he received 6 months earlier ;
3) Plastic fragments from masks found inside patients' lungs ;
4) News of other harm linked to face masks ;
5) Face-mask wearers breathe in dangerous levels of CO2.
May 20th; Friday. Signs that the much-trumpeted food shortage was premeditated, wargamed, and is now being implemented under cover of the Ukraine war and damage from the covid-19 lockdowns.

May 19th; Thursday. Today's family-sized jumbo pack of sinister news stories.
a) CDC data show higher rates of covid-19 among vaccinated children than unvaccinated children, joining the same result for other age groups ;
b) "We made a big mistake with the covid-19 vaccine" ;
c) Do the mRNA covid-19 vaccines kill more than they save? ;
d) 40% of 3,000 vaccinated patients reported vaccine injuries ;
e) UK government figures show that 92% of covid-19 deaths in March were of fully vaccinated people ;
f) Interesting news that Tony Fauci owns a patented covid-19/SARS-Cov-2 gene insertion ;
g) Covid-19 vaccines reduce immunity to covid-19 ;
h) The more vaccinations, the weaker your immune system.
May 18th; Wednesday. Thought-provoking 8-year-old article claims that the US was already pushing Russia into a Ukraine war back in 2014.

May 17th; Tuesday. Surprise, surprise - just as Arctic ice isn't disappearing after all, turns out polar bears aren't dying out either.
May 16th; Monday. Summary of three academic papers underlining the harm done by covid-19 vaccines: jump to paragraph 7.

May 15th; Sunday. Journal of Autoimmunity one-patient study links Moderna covid-19 vaccine to severe hepatitis case.
May 14th; Saturday. Post-covid-19-vaccine effects include a spike in new cancers.

May 13th; Friday. Finished a book by Peter Thiel, one-time partner of Elon Musk at PayPal, called 'Zero to One ', with the slightly pompous subtitle 'Notes on Startups or How to Build the Future'. Blake Masters is a co-author who, like Socrates' student Plato, collated seminar notes from Thiel's university talks to construct this book. Thiel and Elon Musk founded PayPal, a service I've had countless problems with, and Thiel's book makes some shrewd points alongside silly mistakes. He claims a start-up firm should be aiming to create a monopoly, an economics-illiterate idea that explains much of what's wrong with today's world. In a moment of candour, he hails Musk's brilliance in negotiating a half-billion federal loan at the right moment, sliding past the fact that none of Musk's businesses make sense without overt and covert government support, nor without the underlying scam of man-made global warming and laws to obstruct fair trade. There is some common sense in the book, but it's a typical management-guff text, based on its audience's uncritical worship of some recent ten-year-old corporate fashion. The real Bill-Gates-style message of the book is to find a way to sell a product that large numbers of people are forced or pushed to use (for example, because our friends are already using it to try to contact us) and then dishonestly destroy your competitors, breaking whatever laws you think no-one will notice you breaking.
May 12th; Thursday. Use of face masks correlates positively with deaths.

May 11th; Wednesday. Libertarian Hamburg hackers CCC denounce new EU phone-spying regulation. So-called 'chat control' will inspect the content of phones, evading encryption to report back to censors - letter from CCC is here.
May 10th; Tuesday. It turns out that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine does turn into DNA after all, exactly as was denied by vaccine-makers and regulators from the start.

May 9th; Monday. Advertisers are, it seems, already working on implanting their brands into your dreams. Even Aeon have noticed.
May 8th; Sunday. Some snatches of video: Bertrand Russell in the 1950s recalling his grandfather who met Napoleon, as well as his own 1920 meeting with Lenin. 20 seconds of Jim Jarmusch asking why Nazis in films hold their cigarettes strangely? A fast-talking & slightly repetitive car mechanic speaks his mind about electric cars & Musk, dismissing Tesla with refreshing directness. 14 minutes of a 1980s interview with Congressman Larry McDonald, three months before his death in an air crash. Interesting to hear his interviewers constantly interrupting with the word "conspiracy", over & over again.

May 7th; Saturday. Newly released Pfizer documents show that 90% of pregnant women lost their baby after covid-19 injections during vaccine trials. Hospital-death statistics among mentally ill & retarded people give the clue to how most covid patients really died. Meanwhile, study of 600,000 Spanish schoolchildren shows masks don't work ; US New Hampshire Senate testimony that masks can't work ; -- leaving aside the new research paper claiming that masks increase death rates.
May 6th; Friday. Two young mothers with two small squeaky toddlers are nattering nearby as I sit down at a cafe table with two chairs. They are using one of "my" chairs to park two backpacks, a normal black one and a pink & blue little-girly satchel one of the tots has brought. They graciously start to move the bags as I arrive. I say no, don't worry, one of the mothers says Oh you're alone, thank you, then as she puts the small girly bag back on the chair she cheerfully adds "So we'll put this back here like a Manchurian Candidate!" That's what she said, I swear.
On that mildly eerie note, a documentary filmmaker describes how he believes the November 2020 US presidential vote was tampered: '2000 Mules'.

May 5th; Thursday. An article by a Canadian economist looks at the statistics behind claims covid-19 was ever a genuine pandemic. Plus an interesting discussion of the way lockdowns were pioneered in Italy as a way to get the rest of the west following China's hysterically autocratic measures. Some describe Russia as untouched by the global overreaction, but this report suggests otherwise. The overall goal? This.
May 4th; Wednesday. Disturbing claim that covid-19 was directly created by US office the National Institutes of Health.

May 3rd; Tuesday. A paper tries to contradict new results saying surgical masks have harmed wearers' health over the last two years. (Correctly described, surgical masks are actually splash guards - doctors don't wear them to block airborne diseases, because they can't.) The Steve Kirsch Substack column explains why they think the paper should be retracted.
May 2nd; Monday. Strange spate of fires in several countries disrupting food processing & logistics continues. They almost seem to be orchestrated. A few eyebrows have been raised.

May 1st; Sunday. Studies confirm surgical face masks not only don't block airborne infections, but in fact damage people's health.

Mark Griffith, site administrator / markgriffith at yahoo.com

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