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August 28th; Monday. Apparently today is the day devoted to Saint Augustine.
August 27th; Sunday. Rather oddly, I wake out of an early evening snooze humming the opening bars to 'Don't Fear The Reaper', not a song I ever listened to much.
August 26th; Saturday.
August 25th; Friday.
August 24th; Thursday.
August 23rd; Wednesday.
August 22nd; Tuesday.
August 21st; Monday.
August 20th; Sunday.
August 19th; Saturday.
August 18th; Friday. Russian woman DJ Lady Waks #742. Radio with pictures.
August 17th; Thursday.
August 16th; Wednesday.
August 15th; Tuesday.
August 14th; Monday.
August 13th; Sunday.
August 12th; Saturday.
August 11th; Friday.

July 22nd; Saturday.

July 21st; Friday.
July 20th; Thursday. Academic paper confirms that giving larger numbers of all types of vaccines to babies & toddlers, not just mRNA injections, correlate with more infant deaths: here.

July 19th; Wednesday.
July 18th; Tuesday.

July 17th; Monday.
July 16th; Sunday.

July 15th; Saturday.
July 14th; Friday. Although today's state of the sun is not exceptional, today is the 23rd anniversary of the year 2000's "Bastille Day Solar Event", a major storm on our sun which affected the earth.

July 13th; Thursday.
July 12th; Wednesday.

July 11th; Tuesday.
July 10th; Monday.

July 9th; Sunday.
July 8th; Saturday.

July 7th; Friday.
July 6th; Thursday.

July 5th; Wednesday. Fascinating article about a now-forgotten popular novelist around 1900 who commandeered radiation as the metaphor for her spiritualist beliefs: physics envy in its purest form. Her books outsold Barrie, Wells, Conan Doyle, and Kipling.
July 4th; Tuesday.

July 3rd; Monday.
July 2nd; Sunday.

July 1st; Saturday.
June 30th; Friday.

June 29th; Thursday. Terri & I visit a rooftop grill & drinks thing given by a software firm called Colossyan, with two talks about AI. Earlier in the day I finish Terri's copy of Robert Graves' 'Goodbye To All That'. There are signs (since he says in the epilogue that he rewrote the whole book a decade or so later) that this edition is not quite the text that scandalised late-1920s England and helped create the war-fearing public mood of the 1930s. The one I read might be a harsher or milder version of the original, hard to tell. Oddly, at a century's remove, it's difficult to share the indignation and disgust of Graves at either the grimness of the First World War or the hearty sporty tedium of his time at Charterhouse School up to 1914. This is the school that spawned the "progressive rock" group Genesis in the late 1960s, and it is hard not to hear a vaguely idealistic (even patriotic in places), boyish, dreamy echo in records like 'A Lamb Lies Down on Broadway' or 'Selling England by the Pound' of the nostalgic, idealistic-yet-petulant progressivism of Graves half a century earlier.
Graves comes across as a patriotic, noble-minded young Englishman or Irishman of an era which was nostalgic for, yet also fiercely spurned, an imagined British past. It's curious how much the modernist desire to start afresh often seems rooted in a youthful idealisation of the past. The explanation of the book's title is that he decided in the late 1920s, after a short spell working at a college in Egypt, to move to Mallorca, and never live in Britain again. This decision is not really explained in the text I read. Contemporaries must have sensed his tetchy repudiation of all he fought for (likewise his wartime friend, fellow officer, and fellow poet Siegfried Sassoon) as if he felt his loyal instincts had been betrayed, and he was honour-bound to betray them in turn. Until this, I'd only read his book 'The White Goddess', a complex and erudite (and wonderfully evocative) piece of popular scholarship about Celtic & Classical mythology.
Aged 20, he falls in love with a sparky 16-year-old, and two years later (he 22, she 18) they marry. He notes that Nancy Nicholson is strenously in favour of women's equality, sports a very short haircut and loves changing into rough farm clothes. With very mild irony, he even murmurs gently at one point late in the book that Nancy saw the whole of socialism and all other social reform as a mere means to the end of women's rights. It's also quite striking that she gets a total of about two or three pages in the book, while his close friendship with Sassoon and their meetings merits something closer to ten pages. Since Graves openly refers to his time at Charterhouse as one of chaste homosexual love, it only seems fair to notice a certain dikeyness in his first wife, little as there is in the book to go on. He also mentions several times the word 'neurasthenia', which seems to be a stand-in for "shell shock" or "combat fatigue" or (now) "post-traumatic stress disorder", causing him to react with panic or alarm to strong smells or sudden noises for the rest of his life after the Great War.
June 28th; Wednesday. Terri's & Alvi's cat Fermat expresses sadness and annoyance. He comes to sit on me and strokes me with his head, but when I gently caress his tummy he makes a squawking noise, lands a non-scratching blow on me with his paw, and stomps off in what looks very much like an offended huff. As if I somehow patronised him and hurt his dignity by overintimately stroking his stomach. I promise him Terri is returning later from her interpreting job at a Marseille oil refinery later that evening at midnight.

June 27th; Tuesday. I read Terri's copy of 'Revenge of the Space Pandas', a stage play by David Mamet. Knowing Mamet as the writer of films like House of Games, and (adapted from one of his stage plays) Glengarry Glenn Ross, this 1977 play (apparently aimed at children) was refreshing. It features a magical clock, an eccentric young inventor, a character called Bob who is a sheep, and a curiously royalist cast of courtiers on another planet.
June 26th; Monday. While feeding their slightly temperamental black cat Fermat, I finish Terri's copy of 'Damn Good Advice', a book by Greek-American advertising creative George Lois heavily influenced in its lay-out as well as its content by 1950s and 1960s print-ad fashion (lots of white space, a single striking image, a few words in a large font plus perhaps a couple of sentences in small font - a style he helped to create of course). I might even have borrowed this book from Didsbury Public Library long long ago. It rang faint bells. Recent editions mention the 'Mad Men' TV series, broadcast from 2007 to 2015, a period drama about the advertising executives of Madison Avenue in New York in around 1960. The series paid loving attention to the details of dress & style in those years, men smoking and drinking alcohol in the office as a matter of course, secretaries with beehive hairdos and so on. A point Lois makes in the edition I read is that Mad Men is set in exactly the couple of years when his pioneering creative agency really made his name, setting him up to visually define the 1960s, and he suggests the leading character in the TV drama (Don Draper) was modelled on him. Indignantly he slates the shallowness of the show, and adds that he was much better looking back then than the Draper character. Lois includes a photograph of himself to prove it, and he was.
The actual advice claims to be general, but is really rather skewed towards what to do if you're an ad creative in 1950s/60s New York. Still, some of his visual ideas were very striking, and showing us the favourites of his own designs is what the book is really about. The Esquire cover of Muhammad Ali as Saint Sebastian pierced by arrows is a good example of Lois's instinct for the punchy image as well as his impeccable liberal credentials. He has probably died just in time to be spared seeing his passionate social beliefs reassessed & rejected.

June 25th; Sunday. Yesterday's apparent coup now looks very different. Prigozhin halted on the way with his army to Moscow, and accepted a peace deal brokered by Belarus dictator Lukashenko. Suddenly it is as if nothing happened, and many observers are now unsure precisely what it was that just occurred in the last three days. Theories range from Prigozhin & Putin amicably splitting several billion CIA dollars meant to fund the putsch and toppling of Chairman Vladimir, to Putin narrowly wriggling out of a civil war.
June 24th; Saturday. What looks like a putsch, or at least a mutiny, seems to be under way in Russia, with soldiers of the Wagner mercenary group active since last night, and advancing on Moscow. The Wagner group has been doing much of the fighting on Russia's side in the conflict with the Ukrainian government. Now they and their leader Prigozhin seem to be cross with Mr Putin.

June 23rd; Friday.
June 22nd; Thursday. An article about people who dress as furry cartoon animals.

May 2nd;
May 1st;
April 15th;
April 14th;
April 13th;
April 12th;
April 11th;
April 10th;
April 9th;
April 8th; AIDS and the mRNA injections.
April 7th; Revisiting Russian DJ Lady Waks and her radio-show-except-there's-a-camera. One of the better ones.
April 6th; Genetic analysis of covid-19's lab origins.
April 5th; A better explanation for waning immunity among people after their mRNA injections.
April 4th; More on the nature of VAIDS.
April 3rd; Covid-19's role in preparing the biometric police state.
April 2nd; Italy's covid-19 death tally has been recalculated and dropped dramatically, surprise surprise. Turns out it wasn't 130,000+ at all of course but in fact was fewer than 4,000. All part of the project to scare people into the harmful injections that were never needed and didn't work. 97% of those deaths were not covid.
April 1st; E-mail records highlight how government agencies manipulated Facebook and other social-media platforms into issuing misinformation about covid-19 and the mRNA injections.

Recent weblog entries continued:

Who can translate the next 300 words into Korean or Hindi? Contact us and there will be revelry.

Languages dying out each week - who cares?

We do - otherlanguages.org is gradually building a reference resource for over five thousand linguistic minorities and stateless languages worldwide.

Thousands of unique language communities are becoming extinct. Out of the world's five to six thousand languages, we hardly know what we're losing, what literatures, philosophies, ways of thinking, are disappearing right now.


We may soon regret the extinction of thousands of entire linguistic cultures even more than we regret the needless extinction of many animals and plants.

The planet is increasingly dominated by a handful of major-language monocultures like Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Indonesian, Urdu, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Swahili, Russian, Cantonese Chinese, Japanese, Bengali - all beautiful and fascinating languages.

But so are the 5,000 others.

These are groups of people?

Linguistic minorities are communities of ordinary people whose native tongue is not their country's main official language. Swedish speakers in Finland, French speakers in Canada, Hungarian speakers in Slovakia - and hundreds more - are linguistic minorities.

And totally stateless languages are the native languages of some of the world's most intriguing, little-known, cultures. Like the Lapps inside the Arctic Circle, the Sards in Sardinia, Ainus in Japan. Cherokee in the US, Scots Gaelic in Britain, Friesian in the Netherlands, Zulu in South Africa. There are only a couple of hundred recognised sovereign states and territories, so 5,000 languages - more depending on how you count - are the native tongues of linguistically stateless people.

How could I help?

You don't need to learn an endangered language - any more than go to live in the rainforest to help slow its destruction.

A good start is to just tell friends about websites like this.

Broader public interest makes it easier for linguists to raise funds and organise people to learn these languages while there's time.

That's right. There are people who love languages and are happy to learn them on behalf of the rest of us, but they need support, just like zoologists, botanists, or historians.

Fewer languages still sounds good to me

Depends what you think languages are for. They're not just a tool for business. We never said you should learn three or four thousand rare languages - or even one. And which ones we make children learn in school, or whether we should force children to learn languages at all, is another question.

Typical scene in a European city; Chances are, folk here speak some sort of foreign language *5

A century ago - before we understood ecology, and when we cared less about wilderness, most educated people would have laughed at the idea of worrying about plants or animals going extinct. Now we understand how important species diversity is for our own futures, we are more humble, and more worried.

In the same way, linguistic triumphalism by English-speakers who hated studying foreign grammar at school is dangerously ignorant as well as arrogant. Few of us know what we are losing, week by week. How many people realise these languages have scientific value?

Scientific value?

You can think of these languages across the planet as beautiful cathedrals or precious archeological sites we are watching being destroyed. That should be motive enough.

But these five thousand languages may also hold clues to the structure of the human mind. Subtle differences and similarities

Wireless radio can be a great comfort to those unable to leave the textbooks in which they live *6
between languages are helping archeologists and anthropologists to understand what happened in the hundreds of centuries of human history before written history. And that is one of our best chances of understanding how human brains developed over the thousands of centuries leading up to that.

Study of the mind and study of language go hand in hand these days. The world's most marginal languages are actually precious jigsaw pieces from an overall picture of who we are and how our species thinks and evolves. Every tiny language adds another brightly-coloured clue to this academic detective story.

Yet researchers have hardly started sifting through this tantalising evidence, and language extinction is washing it away right in front of us.

And worst of all, most people have no idea that there is this fantastic profusion of cultures across our world, let alone that they are in danger of extinction. Even just more people learning that there are still five thousand living languages in the world today (most of us would answer five hundred or fifty) is already a huge help.

We English-speakers hardly notice English - it's like air for us. But every other language is also an atmosphere for an entire cultural world, and each of these worlds has people whose home it is. Each language encapsulates a unique way of talking and thinking about life. Just try some time in a foreign prison, being forced to cope in another language, and you'll realise how much your own language is your identity. That's true for everyone.

Minority languages are a human-rights issue?

One of the most basic.

Dozens of millions of people worldwide suffer persecution from national governments for speaking their mother tongue - in their own motherland.

Many 'ethnic' feuds puzzling to outsiders had as their basis an attempt to destroy a linguistic community. Would the Northern Ireland dispute be quite so bitter if we English had not so nearly stamped out the Irish Gaelic language, for example? Almost nowhere in the world does a language community as small as the few thousand Rheto-Romanic speakers - the fourth official language of Switzerland - get the protection of a national government. Next time you see some Swiss Francs, check both sides of the banknote.

But outside exceptional countries like Switzerland or the Netherlands, speakers of non-official languages have a much less protected experience.

Speakers of minority languages are often seen as a threat by both the governments and the other residents of the countries where they were born, grew up, and try to live ordinary lives.

They experience discrimination in the job and education markets of their homelands, often having no choice but to pursue education in the major language of the host state: a deliberate government policy usually aimed at gradually absorbing them into the majority culture of that country.

Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow, of course *7

Most governments are privately gleeful each time another small separate culture within their borders is snuffed out by a dwindling population or a deliberately centralising education system.

The United Nations is no help. It is an association of a couple of hundred sovereign states based on exclusive control of territory, almost all of them anxious to smother any distinct group or tradition that in any way might blur or smudge the hard-won borders around those pieces of territory.

The usual approach by sovereign states is to deny their linguistic minorities even exist.


Mark Griffith, site administrator / contact at otherlanguages.org

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*1 image from , with thanks
*2 "Al-Araby" in written Arabic (read more)
*3 "What?" in American Sign Language; image from , with thanks
*4 "Big" in written Chinese  (read more); image from , with thanks
*5 image from , with thanks
*6 image from , with thanks
*7 image from 'B?ume', with thanks to  Bruno P. Kramer, and Franckh-Kosmos Verlag


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273 the crossing place
274 the turkish diplomat's daughter
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278 how german is it
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300 a book of english essays
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307 goethe's parable
308 rhedeyek es fraterek
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340 the book of j
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342 story of my life
343 plain tales from the hills
344 under the influence
345 modern culture
346 50 mots clefs d'esoterisme
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350 strange days indeed
351 hegel: a very short introduction
352 reflections on the revolution in france
353 history of sexuality: an introduction
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359 137
360 in your face
361 7 spies who changed the world
362 the noetic universe
363 why beauty is truth
364 imagery in healing
365 the craftsman's handbook
366 futurism
367 in the cards
368 dmso
369 les hommes et leurs genes
370 the franchise affair
371 the decision book
372 les harmonies de la nature a l'epreuve de la biologie
373 kibernetika
374 zuleika dobson
375 l'empire de nombres
376 circus philosophicus
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378 number
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380 how to get your ideas adopted
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382 emergence
383 rfid : la police totale
384 the tempest
385 aspects of wagner
386 view over atlantis
387 world atlas of mysteries
388 art of the dogon
389 genesis machines
390 the sirius mystery
391 the cult of the fact
392 anastasia
393 ringing cedars of russia
394 a whiff of death
395 spirit level delusion
396 wavewatcher's companion
397 the kybalion
398 elegance
399 death in a scarlet coat
400 architecture without architects


1 k-pax
2 very annie mary
3 wasabi
4 gosford park
5 arany varos
6 minority report
7 amelie
8 bridget jones' diary
9 arccal a fo:ldnek
10 monsters' ball
11 cube
12 man with no past
13 talk to her
14 szerelemtol sujtva
15 bowling for columbine
16 matrix3
17 zoolander
18 anything else
19 farenheit 9/11
20 8 & 1/2 women
21 madagascar
22 kill bill 1
23 dude, where's my car?
24 the woman in green
25 the hunger
24 nightwatch
25 de battre son coeur s'est arrete
26 wicker man
27 v for vendetta
28 courage the cowardly dog
29 casino royale
30 power of nightmares
31 charlie's angels
32 full throttle
33 foxy brown
34 paths of glory
35 airplane
36 between iraq & a hard place
37 mutiny on the bounty
38 flashmob the opera
39 octopussy
40 bakkerman
41 kiterunner

March 31st; Friday. How a Reuters "fact check" of Danish data inverts the truth.
March 30th; Thursday. Covid vaccines damage internal organs.

March 29th; Wednesday. Early vaccine adopters increasingly regret their decision.
March 28th; Tuesday. CDC tries to hide signs that compulsory masks are damaging children's minds.

March 27th; Monday. Are vaccine side effects rare?
March 26th; Sunday. Why lockdowns don't help and actually make things worse.

March 25th; Saturday. Hunter Biden's investment in Ukrainian bioweapon labs.
March 24th; Friday. A piece on Schwab family values (as in Klaus) by the always rewarding Unlimited Hangout website.

March 23rd; Thursday. Another mRNA-vaccine-caused health problem.
March 22nd; Wednesday. WHO wants to take over the world's healthcare.

March 21st; Tuesday. Data on US military personnel injured by covid-19 vaccines.
March 20th; Monday. German vaccine injuries 10x higher than reported - at least.

March 19th; Sunday. Catherine Austin Fitts giving informed analysis of the ongoing billionaire coup d'etat.
March 18th; Saturday. This death of a senior Gazprom director last year got quietly swept down the memory hole.

March 17th; Friday. How they got that medical "consensus".
March 16th; Thursday. Not only do the covid-19 "tests" not work if they are based on the Mullis PCR, but they also contain toxins.

March 15th; Wednesday. Over a year ago, the lies supporting covid-19 and the surveillance state it was designed to justify, were already surfacing.
March 14th; Tuesday. Closer look at Pfizer docs only released by court order.

March 13th; Monday. The rise of a transnational Minitrue, as in the Orwell novel.
March 12th; Sunday. Fifty signs the covid-19 operation was biowarfare.

March 11th; Saturday. Sidney Powell is rescued from lawsuit.
March 10th; Friday. More attempts to hide vital data.

March 9th; Thursday. After dismissing Hunter Biden's laptops so that the 2020 election could be safely stolen, the NY Times now reluctantly admits they're real.
March 8th; Wednesday. Hopeful types claim that, thuggish or not, Putin opposes the Davos cult. No he doesn't. He loves the new techno-police-state vision.

March 7th; Tuesday. An article profiling the hardworking & multifaceted investigative journalist Whitney Webb.
March 6th; Monday. Lots of people pointed out that there should be no risk to users if vaccines were mandated. Instead of course it was the manufacturers who were protected from risk.

March 5th; Sunday. Another big lie from the stage-managed covid-19 scare campaign uncovered. The claim people could easily catch and spread covid-19 without symptoms was never true. As was pretty obvious at the time.
March 4th; Saturday. Article warns of huge dangers in state-controlled digital money.

March 3rd; Friday. I finished an intriguing book borrowed from Tam, about the aircraft dubbed by Western newspapers the "Konkordski" or "Concordski", written and meticulously researched by Howard Moon. 'Soviet SST: the Techno-politics of the Tupolev-144' is a surprisingly good read, not just for aerospace types interested in engineering detail. Without skimping on the technology, clearly the core of the affair, Moon also gives a good account of how careers rose and fell within USSR aircraft manufacture, and how an aircraft that was in some respects even ahead of the better-known Anglo-French Concorde nonetheless failed even sooner and more decisively than Concorde did. Close examination of the story of this one product, a supersonic civil aircraft, gives a clear analysis in miniature of the whole Soviet system and economy and why centralised industry-on-command was ultimately unable to compete with more open economies. Worth looking for.
March 2nd; Thursday. Last year's data already showed that most covid deaths are of vaccinated people.

March 1st; Wednesday. A year ago, a British High Court judge decided that parents were too stupid to be told how many children have been killed by covid-19 vaccines.
February 28th; Tuesday. Bill Gates's bright idea for vaccines that evade consent.

February 27th; Monday. More on the statistics of the bad batches of covid-19 vax.
February 26th; Sunday. Covid-19 pseudovaccine changes into DNA inside livers. More on the liver contamination.

February 25th; Saturday. Global temperatures in 2022 unchanged over 30 years. Google decides to censor this.
February 24th; Friday. Post-vax menstrual disorders.

February 23rd; Thursday. "Covid deaths" were actually nursing-home murders.
February 22nd; Wednesday. Canada plans to firewall its internet, like CCP China.

February 21st; Tuesday. Canada's covid-19 deaths are mostly the vaxed.
February 20th; Monday. Is covid-vax spike protein damaging DNA?

February 19th; Sunday. Did Russia's invasion of Ukraine slide in a global financial reset?
February 18th; Saturday. WHO advised destruction of biolabs.

February 17th; Friday. Info reluctantly released by Pfizer only under force of court order shows deadly proteins accumulate in women's ovaries.
February 16th; Thursday. More on Ukrainian bioweapons labs.

February 15th; Wednesday. Increasingly clear the public were lied to.
February 14th; Tuesday. The day of Saint Valentine. Seemingly quite a character.

February 13th; Monday. The day of an Italian Carmelite nun who had visions & ecstasies in the 1480s and early 1490s: Saint Archangela Girlani. Her horse decided against her first choice of monastic order, and there was a bit of levitation later on.
February 12th; Sunday. Evidence from a year and a half ago that Hunter Biden is invested in Ukrainian bioweapons labs.

February 11th; Saturday. Early signs the covid-19 pseudovaccines were especially harmful to pregnant women.
February 10th; Friday. Curious changes in US law anticipated covid-19.

February 9th; Thursday. Similarities between how the mood of public fear was exploited to remove civil liberties each time, comparing 911 to covid-19.
February 8th; Wednesday. An analysis of early changes in excess death trends since the covid-19 pseudovaccines rolled out.

February 7th; Tuesday. Important 2022 article about who smeared ivermectin and how.
February 6th; Monday. Good overview of "The Spike", the protein cell coating that the mRNA vaccines force their victims' bodies to manufacture.

February 5th; Sunday. Day of the superhuman-sounding Saint Agatha of Sicily, a girl in the late 240s AD tortured to death (251 AD) for wishing to be Christian and remain a virgin. Patron saint of rape victims, wet nurses, and bellfounders.
February 4th; Saturday. A rather intriguing saint today, Saint Joan of Valois, married off in the 1470s aged 12 to be queen of France as wife of Louis 12th, a marriage quickly annulled. This decision she calmly took in good grace, not long afterwards founding an abbey of nuns.

February 3rd; Friday. The media have been helping to cover up how unvaccinated people were being tracked and spied on.
February 2nd; Candlemas, formerly one of the big pre-Reformation church feasts.

February 1st; Wednesday. There is a pharmacy on the next street with an outdoor sign which flashes with green LEDs and forms a thick-armed plus sign of green light, or a Greek cross. It projects out somewhat from the building's facade, and has recently been on the blink a bit. Sometimes I walk past in the day, and the current has failed. What is left is the unlit dull-green plastic base, which turns out to be a perfect sideways Latin cross, because the longer arm projecting out of the stonework is just the right length. Most pharmacies don't have a Latin base, only the Greek cross. I can't really think up any significance to this, although the staff at this particular apothecary are quite sweet-natured. The shop right next door sells admirably cheap stuff, including a trashy random box of disposable razors, and another trashy random box of cheap ball-point pens. Buying black or blue Bic biros from here and elsewhere, as I have done since school, I recently noticed a consistent shift. In the olden days the little stud stayed in the end, and the transparent plastic case didn't crack or split. These days (whether I get them here or somewhere more expensive) the see-through case always cracks, chips, and drops the end stud out before the ink is even half-finished. Thinking this over, there must be knock-off manufacturers in the Far East who are making easily counterfeited fake Bic biros with cheaper processes, cheaper materials, or by skimping on quality control. That's my guess, anyway. No, I never chew them.
January 31st; Tuesday. Mother's birthday. How much we now know about the complete failure of the mRNA covid-19 vaccines.

January 30th; Monday. Holy day of Saint Aldegunais, a princess in 7th-century-AD France.
January 29th; Sunday. Why a Japanese premier was assassinated last July: intriguing.

January 28th; Saturday. Articles about the disasterous mRNA injections and authoritarian control measures by governments worldwide against the non-pandemic:
[i] The covid-19 injections have, all by themselves, erased 25 years of health gains /
[ii] Associated Press is assisting in the cover-up about dishonest shifts in the definition of "vaccine" /
[iii] A new drug has been approved with lots of contraindications /
[iv] Yet more Fauci scandal, this time his e-mails /
[v] Big study shows (even more convincingly) that "vaccines" worsen odds of catching covid-19 /
[vi] Tighter link between mRNA injections & strokes /
[vii] More evidence that hospitals pumped up the covid-19 scare to panic people into getting the unnecessary & dangerous injections /
[viii] A video where UK doctors relate the damage being caused by mRNA injections /
[ix] American Heart Association warns mRNA jabs cause heart attacks on a big scale /
[x] Robert Kennedy thinks that the whole covid-19 affair looks like a CIA coup d'etat /
[xi] A Japanese study shows 2 days wearing surgical masks "for most of the day" endangers users' health /
[xii] Death toll from one year of mandated mRNA injections equal to Vietnam War /
[xiii] New book exposes Pfizer misconduct /
[xiv] More evidence that surgical masks don't stop viral infection /
[xv] Pfizer misses a legal deadline /
[xvi] Adviser cautions most people against getting any anti-covid booster /
[xvii] Paper examines lying WHO and 1993 covert sterilisation with spiked vaccines /
[xviii] Anti-covid "vaccines" have raised covid deaths across the world.
January 27th; Friday. During another strange episode of loud drumming & chanting from the flat upstairs Annette and I decide to watch the 2005 animation film 'Madagascar'. Tremendous fun, although the Netflix settings forced us to watch dubbed in German and I don't speak German. Still, I hardly noticed: the whole film was easy to follow, even if I missed hearing the voices of Chris Rock & Sasha Baron-Cohen. I'm guessing the Jada woman married to poor Will Smith was the voice of the hippo character in English. Two things were uncanny about this film.
(1) It strangely echoes, though very tactfully, the Murray book just below about western civilisation. The urbanised animals in the New York zoo have grown lazy and accustomed to the luxuries of city life. The wilderness of the African rainforest frightens them with its brutal eat-or-be-eaten code of life, and they are only persuaded to stay there in a deal to become a sort of Praetorian Guard of big animals helping to protect the kingdom of small party-animal lemurs ('I like to move it, move it') from their natural predators. In an absurd but touching scene, Alex the hyperactive lion begins to see all the other animals as dancing beefsteaks, and imprisons himself inside a pallisade of sharpened sticks so that he cannot go feral and attack, even kill & eat, his dear friend Marty the zebra. The whole film very gently lampoons white post-colonial guilt, with the westernised zoo creatures shocked by the horrors of the pre-colonial non-western culture they thought was theirs. A culture of primordial wilderness they had romanticised, Montaigne-&-Rousseau-style, because they couldn't remember how cruel and ruthless it was. Lampoons it so cleverly that most audiences -- even most of the participating actors, I suspect -- never guessed the film's real message.
(2) In the 1990s I had a curiously vivid dream one night at my mother's house. In this dream I imagined making a film (monochrome, titled 'Zoo-break') about animals escaping from a zoo. The break-out was the core of the story, and the whole thing played out in my dream as a deadpan comedy, not an animation, but played by human actors dressed in animal suits. If anything the film was to be not about animals returning to wilderness, but a parody of a prison-break movie. The groups of actors in animal suits were seen in their separate cages and enclosures during a long roving single-take shot, set to 1950s bebop modern jazz, playing cards and grumpily gambling. Each animal would speak a British regional dialect, so that the lions might be Cockneys, the polar bears Glaswegians, the crocodiles Geordies, tigers from Birmingham, sharks from Belfast, zebras from Liverpool. In my dream, it was two Scouser zebras who succeeded in getting over the fence during the jail riot. There were to be scenes of the two zebras wearing dark glasses for disguise, strolling (two-legged) along the shopping streets of the surrounding British town, unnoticed by passers-by, from time to time furtively trying to break into parked cars. I guess this was the same visual joke as the moment in 'Madagascar' where Marty the zebra gets out of the zoo one night, that zebras already have the same black-and-white-striped uniforms that convicts in old silent movies sometimes wore to make them easy to spot if they escaped. It's obviously not such an unusual idea that it couldn't occur to different people at different times. After all, there's also this.

January 26th; Thursday. Two more short military videos: decades of developments behind both anti-tank weapons and what pilots call "loft bombing".
January 25th; Wednesday. A Norwegian shipping firm bans transport of electrical vehicles due to fire risk.

January 24th; Tuesday. More about the pseudo-vaccines:
(a) The mRNA injections increase myocarditis risk ninefold /
(b) Totally unembarrassed, they now want to impose annual jabs /
(c) Numbers admitted to have been killed by the mRNA jabs still quite low (278,000 in the US) but are now starting to climb /
(d) Mini-scandal where a senior Pfizer official is supposedly tricked into admitting on a hidden camera that his firm might mutate the covid-19 virus so as to be able to sell more injections /
(e) Pilots at one US airline are dying at six times the normal rate -- nothing to do with forced injection with gene-modifying elixirs of course /
(f) "Vaccinated" people are three and a half times more likely to catch covid-19 than the unvaxxed /
(g) Why are educated people so stupid about vax injuries? /
(h) Huge rise in excess deaths and still unacceptable to mention the obvious cause.
Apparently at some point today, Tuesday, in his flat just up the street Simon, Robin's long-term snooker opponent, blew his brains out with a firearm he obtained from somebody. He thereby fulfilled a promise he was (I was told)) making exactly two years ago, though out of my earshot. Tam shrewdly refused to obtain a weapon for him almost three years ago. After another Englishman called Simon, a Cambridge contemporary of mine many years ago, this is now the second English Simon I've known personally who's moved to Budapest and then taken his own life. Meanwhile, this same evening I spend trying to get Huseyin to come with me to a nearby hospital to check if he has concussion, and then driving around looking for a parking space, and then trying to persuade the hospital to see him and test him.
January 23rd; Monday. While on the tram to and from a lesson with Esoteric Veronica, finished two books kind folk have recently lent me. First I got to the end of Paul & Marion's copy of 'The War on the West' by Douglas Murray, and then also finished Tam's 'The Rational Male' by Rollo Tomassi. Murray's book politely dismantles the Woke movement, showing that not only does it exaggerate the crimes of western civilisation, but deliberately downplays the much greater crimes of non-western civilisations. Pompous posturing by talentless leftists who've had university educations wasted on them. Murray says this with more restraint than I just did.
Tomassi's book is strange, especially given he seems to have a cult around him. His books have grown out of online weblogs and advice columns, and as such seem to regard punctuation, spelling, and editing as frivolous diversions. For example, 'Foreword' is spelled out in big title letters as 'Forward'. In any case, Rollo says essentially one thing, and says it often enough to drum in a clear message. This is that men today are misinformed on how to treat women and on what women want from men. He uses various concepts (such as young women going through a phase called 'The Party Years' before they decide, several years too late, that it is time for them to marry and have children) to explain this repeated message. Tomassi says the same thing most older women before World War One said about how young women should make life decisions, and how men should handle those older women's daughters, younger sisters, nieces, grand-daughters.

January 22nd; Sunday. From the 24th, in two days, the European Commission have announced that powder, or "flour", made from ground-up insects may be added to food. What's curious is that not only does this fit with the business plans of certain billionaire lobbyists, but it contrasts rather oddly with the EU for years loudly claiming the moral high ground over banning US food items containing genetically modified grains.
Annette & Huseyin arrive late, having been in not one but two car pile-ups on an Austrian motorway last night.
January 21st; Saturday. A couple of short military videos about China's laser rifle and about drones built in Turkey.

January 20th; Friday. Finish reading Tam's copy of 'Injection Molds for Beginners', a guide to designing and making the industrial moulds in which plastic objects like car dashboards, kitchen sieves, or lightswitch covers are manufactured. The colour illustrations are surprisingly lush.
January 19th; Thursday. The pope who died a few days ago has published a posthumous book packed with scurrilous allegations.

January 18th; Wednesday. How we now know that most covid-19 infections and deaths were caused by mRNA injections forced on populations by their governments in 2021 & 2022. Solving the double puzzle of why African countries both took so few pseudo-vaccinations and suffered so little from covid-19.
January 17th; Tuesday. A doctor admits that the original covid-19 deaths that panicked people into agreeing to experimental injections were heavily overcounted. This must have been done deliberately so as to fuel fearful compliance with the unnecessary & irresponsible vaccination drive. As I warned lots of people, including two of my sisters and one of my editors, at the time. Everybody knew better than me of course.

January 16th; Monday. An overview of sudden deaths of professional sportsmen in the last two years, many on the playing field, and whether these deaths might have been caused by mRNA injections forced on athletes by sports associations.
January 15th; Sunday. Four days ago, Matt Hancock MP, one of the most unapologetic mRNA-injection mandaters, accused Andrew Bridgen MP, a defender of the vaccine-injured, of "anti-semitism" for comparing the deaths since 2021 to the WW2 Holocaust (Bridgen was quoting a cardiologist who said to him he thought the forced vaccinations were the worst crime against humanity since that genocide). Hancock made this accusation in a question in the House of Commons to prime minister Rishi Sunak, who then agreed with him. Bridgen had the Conservative whip removed in late December, which amounts to his suspension from the party.

January 14th; Saturday. Today is Saint Felix Day, though perhaps I might ease up on tracking the calendar of Christian festivals, fascinating as it is.
Returning to the dreary but important scandal of the day, the Human Papillomavirus vaccine, long seen as a top performer among vaccines, is re-examined here. Covid-19-vaccinated people are "dying while fuelling variants", exactly what you'd expect from breaking the golden rule that it's irresponsible to vaccinate during an epidemic because vaccination pushes the virus to mutate into deadlier forms. Meanwhile, the strange run of deaths among (whisper it softly) recently-injected athletes, often dying while on the playing field, gets more scientific attention.
January 13th; 8th day of the Epiphany.

January 12th; 7th day of the Epiphany.
January 11th; 6th day of the Epiphany.

January 10th; 5th day of the Epiphany.
A stack of miscellaneous news items about all aspects of the strange global coup attempt we find ourselves in:
[1] The Davos annual jamboree in their high place is underway. German-language news services report the Swiss valley is packed with expensive prostitutes /
[2] Wealthy businessmen (referred to as Davos types, but of course not only) are now buying up unvaccinated pilots, since they know that vaxxed pilots are liable to strokes and heart attacks, especially at altitude /
[3] A quick list of US shakers & movers attending the ski-resort get-together /
[4] Australia stops breaking out covid-19 deaths into vaxxed versus unvaxxed: check why at the bottom of the table -- suddenly time to censor that info /
[5] Returning to pilots' health, a curious change from the US airline regulator, the FAA, softening health requirements for cockpit crew /
[6] And here we go again. The airline regulator, the FAA, announced a new vaccine for pilots just two days before Christmas. As if none of 2021 or 2022 had happened -- this should jolt anyone who thinks these people are going to give up easily /
[7] Excess deaths continue to mount /
[8] Falling births continue to break records /
[9] Pfizer finds a way to say that 5-year-olds benefit from mRNA vaccination, although they don't /
[10] Good summary from Unherd about the central role of Davos /
[11] Another trick to hide deaths caused by the vaccines -- adjust the paperwork so doctors cannot cite vaccine reaction as a cause of death /
[12] Just a fresh reason to distrust hospitals /
[13] The long-term decline in pharmaceutical earnings that motivated this and several previous scandals /
[14] How pharmaceutical firms and the globalists created a system to censor and manipulate most of the mainstream media /
[15] A commentator with a good track record places a wager that mRNA injections have caused worse cardiac damage than anyone's admitted /
[16] A fascinating claim that the pandemic that made the word 'pandemic' famous, the 1918/1919 flu epidemic, was caused by a vaccine /
[17] Even now, the totally unembarrassed Tony Fauci criticises China for easing the failed "lockdown" restrictions we now know had no good effects, but caused major harm /
[18] Swedish doctors call for the dangerous mRNA injections to be withdrawn /
[19] Another list of athletes who "died suddenly" after the 2021 mRNA injections /
[20] Facebook admits that it suppressed "often true" covid-19-vaccine content /
[21] More on excess deaths still being blamed on anything but mRNA injections /
[22] Yet more on the supposedly "mysterious" excess deaths /
[23] Now we know how unhealthy & useless they are, vaccine profiteers are demanding mRNA modifiers be put into the food supply, since "vaccines in our food solves the problem of vaccine hesitancy" /
[24] An article claims there is a "vaccine-induced pandemic".
January 9th; 4th day of the Epiphany. The full Fabriano image, showing how meticulously the painting was done.

January 8th; 3rd day of the Epiphany. And here one of the adoring magi paintings where the manger looks more like a derelict abbey than an actual barn.
January 7th; 2nd day of the Epiphany. Apparently, there are 8 days, an Octave. It seems this includes celebration of the water-into-wine miracle, but mainly marks the adoration of the magi.

January 6th; 13th day of Christmas, also 1st day of the Feast of the Epiphany. In the Eastern Orthodox denominations this is Christmas Day. A month ago, a small group planning to violently instal someone called Heinrich the 13th as king of Germany had about 25 of its plotters arrested in a huge police round-up involving 3,000 officers. Since Heinrich the 13th is in fact a genuine nobleman/prince, the label "far-right" is being used correctly for perhaps the first time in over a century.
January 5th; 12th day of Christmas, feast day of Saint Simeon the Stylite (390 to 459 AD). Back in the great days of the western fakirs, when crouching on top of a pillar for months on end was a thing a respectable Christian hermit might do. Truly another era of history.

January 4th; 11th day of Christmas, 11 pipers piping. A sudden, quite exciting day trip to the vineyard town of Tokaj with Niklas & Celia, where we quaff amber dessert wines down in the underground bunkers of Erzsebet cellar and Rakoczi cellar.
January 3rd; 10th day of Christmas
{i} The pseudo-vaccines are reigniting cancer tumours /
{ii} Australian politician slates vaccine mandates /
{iii} More worries on Pfizer injection safety /
{iv} Covid-19 pseudo-vaccines causing neurological damage /
{v} US government was using Twitter to censor genuine covid information /
{vi} Cancer deaths from covid-19 injections being hidden /
{vii} More on the outrageous campaign to suppress use of cheap & safe ivermectin.

January 2nd; 9th day of Christmas, Saint Basil's day. Rambunctuous festivities at Irish Michael's, involving wine, song, and a couple of rather distinguished women.
January 1st; 8th day of Christmas, and also the feast day of the wonderfully named Saint Frobert of Troyes, where the special ounces come from.

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